Been made redundant - what next
Friday, April 3, 2020
Finding yourself suddenly out of work, with bills to pay, must be one of the most stressful times of one’s life.
I have no doubt, with so much uncertainty around at the moment, it may feel there is no light at the end of the tunnel but please try not to despair or blame yourself. This could actually turn out to be a blessing in disguise, especially if you haven't really enjoyed your role for a while.
To help keep yourself busy, and if you are able why not volunteer to help your local community during the COVID-19 pandemic? Keeping yourself busy will help keep your mind occupied.
There are some options out there, which under normal circumstances you wouldn’t consider but these are not normal times, and we each must do what we must do to survive – as the government keeps saying “whatever it takes”
It is also a great opportunity to investigate learning a new skill. Many organisations are offering FREE online training and the likes of Groupon often have taster courses at reduced rates, but if you are paying please check out reviews before purchasing. It has never been a better time to learn a new skill or update your knowledge. You may have considered a change of career at some point, now maybe the opportunity to investigate learning the skills needed for that new role.
When applying for permanent long term roles, please “do not set yourself up for a fall” only apply for roles that you have the skills and experience for, otherwise the number of rejections will not help with your moral. On another note if you keep applying for every job a company advertises, by the time the role that matches your skill set comes along, the recruitment team will tire of seeing your name they may very well pass over your CV without viewing properly again.
If you have been made redundant and would like someone to talk to, I am more than happy to try and help, so please email me on so we can arrange a good time for us both to speak.