Bluestream HR Workshops are back!
Posted on Tuesday, September 21, 2021 by Bluestream Recruitment — No comments
We are thrilled to announce a schedule of in-person business support workshops taking place this Autumn.
The workshops will take place on the following dates in Autumn:
FREE 22nd September 2021: Return to Office - planning and managing a return to the workplace
30th September 2021: Coaching Skills Workshop
FREE 20th October 2021: How to Build a Successful Hybrid Team,
A South Oxon HR Event, in conjunction with Jill Kelly of Employment Law Plus
FREE 24th November 2021: Diversity and Inclusion at Work
Individual announcements on these events, including information on how to register via Eventbrite, will be forthcoming in the weeks ahead. If you would like to join our mailing list and be informed about all forthcoming events please click here.
All events will be planned and executed with the utmost attention to the health and safety of everyone in attendance. We will be implementing the following enhanced measures to ensure you feel safe and confident when attending the workshops:
- The meeting room will be santisied before and after every use
- Windows will be opened to ensure well ventilated space
- The meeting room has a capacity of 40 but we will be restricting numbers to a maximum of 20 to allow for everyone to have enough personal space
- There will be hand sanitiser for your use on entry to the room and during events
- We will ask that you scan an NHS QR code on arrival so we can contact you should anyone inform us of suffering COVID-19 symptoms post-event
- All Bluestream Recruitment employees will be wearing face masks. Free face masks will be available for you to use but will not compulsory
- All Bluestream Recruitment employees will carry out asymptomatic testing before the event and, if possible, we request that those attending do the same.