Looking for work, what are the advantages of using recruitment agency?
If you are looking for work, how can working with a recruitment agency help you with the next step in your career?
Looking for career opportunities and applying can be a full-time job in itself. Recruitment agencies usually work with a large number of companies; therefore they should be able to find the right opportunity for you.
There are lots of agencies out there, and like all industries there are good and bad ones. A good agency will
- Support you through the recruitment process to make it as painless as possible
- Listen and find out what you really want to do next, not try and convince you an opportunity on their desk is right for you. If you are not sure what you want next, talking to someone may help
- Provide full information on company and role for you to make an informed decision as to whether the opportunity is right for you.
- Advise you on how to present your CV in the best light, to ensure an offer of interview.
- Offer interview prep or a mock interview – no recruiter will ever know what questions you will be asked, but they could help with some of those tough questions asked at interview
- Give feedback on interview, if the client has any concerns they can be addressed before a second interview or if turned downed it will help you prepare for your next opportunity and interview.
A client of our was looking for a number of graduates, and for the first interview decided to put all candidates in a room together to see how they interacted with each other, and see their responses to the talk about the company.
After the first interview the client rang me, and asked if I had forced one of the candidates to attend the interview, I said “of course not why?” He said that the candidate in question did nothing but huff and puff during the talk on the company. Naturally, I spoke with the candidate, who completely denied doing so, and was not at all happy with my feedback.
A few days later, the candidate called to say that his mum had told him it was something he did when really nervous, and he was completely unaware he did this. I let the client know, and he offered the candidate a face to face interview, which resulted in the candidate being offered the job.
When talking about the importance of feedback this is an example I use time, and time again. OK feedback does not always result in a job offer, but at least you if you know where you are going wrong, it gives you the opportunity to put it right next time.
If you are looking for your next career opportunity, why not check out our latest vacancies at https://bluestreampeople.co.uk/all-jobs/ - we are here to support you