Temporary and Contract roles – what are the benefits of working in these types of roles?

Posted on Tuesday, January 31, 2023 by Bluestream RecruitmentNo comments

Many people fear or avoid these types of roles preferring the security of a permanent job and salary. However, many people get stuck in a rut, wanting to do something different but not sure what. Here are our top five reasons why you should give temping or contract work a go:

  1. Undertaking temporary and contract roles gives you the opportunity to try something new without committing long term. 
  2. Temping and contract work allows you to pick and choose when you work which, for those of you who like travelling or have other interests, allows the additional time a permanent job wouldn’t. If you are a parent or grandparent and have childcare responsibilities, you will know opportunities for term-time only work is few and far between. Temping gives you the flexibility to work as and when you want as you can pick and choose the weeks you’re available. You may surprise yourself and find you like the flexibility that temporary and contract work offers, and not want to go back into a permanent job again. 
  3.  If you are recent graduate with little work experience, temporary and contract roles are an excellent opportunity to build on your skills and experience. It will also show a future employer that you are adaptable to different situations, which just may give you the edge over candidates when interviewing for the job of your dreams.
  4. Temping and contracting can also help build your confidence, as the more you do it, the more you become accustomed to new situations and roles.
  5. Temporary roles can also help you get your foot in the door as can sometimes lead to a permanent opportunity. Often, if a company likes you and you fit into the company well, they could consider you for other opportunities they may have. 

Words of caution:

  • Contracting can offer more money however keep in mind you will have no holiday or sick pay etc.
  • If you accept a temporary or contract role, don’t jump from one temporary or contract role to another, or leave for a permanent role without completing the period of time agreed. A company will wait if you are the person they really want, if not are they as good as they say? In the long term, not completing a temporary or contract opportunity as agreed will do you no favours, as one day one of those companies or hiring managers may have the role of your dreams but won’t consider you because you messed them around. 
  • If you are only doing temporary roles whilst looking for a permanent work, sometimes your agency will be unlikely to keep you in mind for permanent roles, as they will be afraid you will mess their client around and leave early. Or if you have been a reliable temp, they will not want to lose you from their pool of people they can call on.
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