Why spend time on your CV?

Posted on Tuesday, February 21, 2023 by Bluestream RecruitmentNo comments

Do you want to miss out on the job of your dreams because the person reading your CV has only 7 seconds and misses the fact that you are perfect for the role?

Despite it being a candidate's market now, that does not mean that companies are not receiving a high volume of applications. Many people from industries that have been badly hit by COVID are looking for work. They do not always have the necessary skills but apply in the hope that someone will give them a chance.

Given you have only 7 seconds to get someone’s attention, you need to make sure your skills and experience in relation to the role stand out. Keep in mind the hiring manager is not necessarily the person who will make that initial decision. 

It is no good cramming as much as you can on the first page as it becomes impossible to read in 7 seconds,  use your profile as a mini covering letter to explain your reasons for applying and mentioning the relevant skills and experience you have – this way they will investigate your CV further. There is no point in applying for one role and your profile saying you are looking for something else. Your profile should be revised every time you apply for a new role to make it relevant.

If you CV does not catch the hiring company's attention, you will not be considered for the role, so if you really want that job, make the effort on your CV and get it right!

Repeatedly people ask me why, if I have the skills should I have to spend time on my CV, surely it is the company’s responsibility to check? But it is not always possible to do so and why take the risk because someone only has 7 seconds?

We would NEVER recommend paying someone to do your CV, you are the expert on you and what you have been doing. For more CV tips visit www.bluestreamrpeople.co.uk/cv-tips/


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